Paola Rascon
University of Chihuahua BFA in Painting
University of Chihuahua BA in Psychology
Since an early age Paola has shown interest in the analysis of mankind and the situations surrounding it. Through painting she has found a way to express human identity. She hopes that her work will allow the viewer to see other people as individuals who possess just as much complexity and authenticity as we see in ourselves. She has portrayed the emotional and psychological condition of people dealing with marginalization, acceptance, and exclusion within society. In the “CHIHUAHUA” Project, she exhibits pictorial portraits of common personalities from the state of Chihuahua, MEXICO.
The portraits are influenced by the Baroque style, creating a contradiction regarding the meaning of the portrait. In the Baroque style, the portrait was traditional of the bourgeoisie and displayed clothing and accessories, providing importance to the social class from which the people in the portraits belonged to. By enhancing the subculture of Cholos, discriminated by the society we live in, makes the use of Baroque style ironic.